The best light in the bathroom at night 

Geberit ONE mirror cabinet with ComfortLight

At one point or another, we have all experienced that dreaded urge to go to the toilet in the middle of the night. Everywhere is just so dark, so we have to fumble our way to the bathroom to avoid switching on the glaring ceiling light and jolting both ourselves and others awake.
The smart move here, of course, would be to install an orientation light. The right lighting makes it easy to find our way to the toilet in the dark of night without upsetting our biological clock, so it’s worth taking a look at the various lighting options available for the bathroom:

What is Biorhythm? 

The biorhythm is essentially just your body’s natural rhythm of waking and sleeping – often referred to as your biological or internal clock. It is notably controlled by the sleep hormone, melatonin. During the day, when we are exposed to the sun, our body restricts this hormone from being released. As soon as it gets darker in the evening, however, the brain releases more melatonin and we start to feel tired. Our biorhythm can be affected if we are exposed to too little light during the day or too much light at night. Lighting with strong blue tones can also negatively influence our melatonin production. With this in mind, it is advisable to use warm and discreet light sources in the bathroom for a more comfortable bathroom experience at night.

Products for more comfort in the bathroom